Terms of Use




1.1. Current User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement") applies to the use of the Web site at www.Korras.ee.

1.2. „Korras“ Website (hereinafter referred to as “Website”) belongs to Korras OÜ.

1.3. This Agreement governs the relationship between the "Korras" Webmaster (hereinafter referred to as "Webmaster") and the User of the Website. 

1.4. The Webmaster reserves the right to modify, add or delete the provisions of this Agreement at any time without notice to the User. 

1.5. Continuing to use the Website by the User means acceptance of the Agreement and any amendments to this Agreement.

1.6. The user can be any person with active legal capacity over 18 years of age. 

1.7. The User is personally responsible for reviewing any changes to this Agreement.


For the purposes of this Agreement, the following terms have the following meanings:

2.1. "Korras" is a Website located at www.Korras.ee, which deals with promotional activities. 

2.2. Webmaster - employees authorized by Korras OÜ, who are responsible for managing the Website in Korras OÜ.

2.3. Website User (hereinafter referred to as User) is a person who has access to the Website via the Internet and who uses this Site.

2.4. Website Content (hereinafter - Content) - results of protected activities, including texts, price lists, notes, articles, illustrations, covers, graphics, text, photography, derivative, composite and other work, user interfaces, visual interfaces, logos, programs, database, as well as design, structure, selection, coordination, appearance, overall style and location of the content on the Website and other intellectual and / or individual content of the Site.


3.1. The Webmaster has the right to:

3.1.1. Modify the terms of use of the Website and change the contents of the Website. The changes will take effect from the moment of publishing the new version of the Agreement on “Korras” Website.

3.1.2. Restrict access to the Website if the User violates the terms of this Agreement.

3.1.3. Modify the rate of fee for the use of the Website. The change in the fee rate does not apply to users who have already registered for the payment amount, unless otherwise specified by the Administrator.

3.1.4. Modify and delete the Ads if it does not comply with the terms of use of the Agreement without notice to the User.

3.2. User has the right to:

3.2.1. Get access to the Website after all requirements have been met.

3.2.2. Use all available services and information at www.Korras.ee

3.2.3. Ask questions about the details of real estate, cars and other related services.

3.2.4. Use the Website only for the purposes specified in the Agreement and in a manner not prohibited by the laws of the Republic of Estonia.

3.3. The User of the Website is obliged to:

3.3.1. Provide additional information at the request of the Webmaster directly related to the services provided by this Website.

3.3.2. Respect the property rights and non-proprietary rights of the authors and other rights holders in “Korras” during the use of the Website.

3.3.3. Do not perform actions that may be considered as an attempt to prevent the Website from functioning normally.

3.3.4. Do not distribute confidential and legally protected information about natural or legal persons on the “Korras” Website.

3.4. Do not use "Korras" Website services to:

3.4.1.Upload content on the Website that: is illegal, violates the rights of third parties; promotes violence, cruelty, hatred and (or) discrimination on racial, national, sexual, religious, social grounds; contains inaccurate data and (or) specific individuals, organizations, agencies.

3.4.2. Call for illegal acts to be carried out, to assist persons whose purpose is to violate restrictions and prohibitions in force in the territory of the Republic of Estonia. 

3.4.3. Includes violation of the rights of minors and (or) causing them any form of harm.

3.4.4. Includes violations of minority rights.

3.4.5. It is carried out by other persons or organizations and (or) community representatives in the absence of appropriate submission rights, including for employees of this Website.

3.4.6. It is misleading about the characteristics and specifications of any product.

3.4.7. Incorrect comparison of goods and creation of a negative attitude towards persons who (does not) use certain goods or condemnation of such persons.

3.4. User is prohibited to:

3.4.1. Use any device, program, procedure, algorithm or method, automatic device, or equivalent manual processes to obtain, copy, or track Website Content.

3.4.2. Disrupt the proper functioning of the Website

3.4.3. Ensure unauthorized access to the „Korras“ features of the Website, other systems or networks related to the Website, as well as the services provided on the „Korras“ Website;

3.4.4. Violate the functioning of the security or authentication system of the Website or of any network belonging to the „Korras“ Website.

3.4.5. Perform a reverse search, track or try to track any information about Website users.

3.4.6. Use the Website and its contents for any purpose prohibited by the laws of the Republic of Estonia and to encourage any illegal activity or other activity that violates the “Korras” or the rights of others.


4.1. The Website and the Content of the Website belong to the Administrator of the Procedure.

4.2. The Content on the Website may not be copied, published, reproduced, transmitted or distributed in any way and published on a global Internet network without the prior written consent of the Webmaster.

4.3. The content of this Website is protected by copyright, legislation and other intellectual property and unfair competition law rights.

4.5. The User is personally responsible for keeping the confidential information of the account, including the password, and for all the activities performed without exception on behalf of the account User.

4.6. The Webmaster has the right to unilaterally delete the User account if it has not been used by the user for more than 13 calendar months.

4.7.This Agreement shall extend to any additional terms and conditions attached to the Services provided on the Website.


5.1. The webmaster shall not indemnify for any loss that the user may cause in the event of intentional or reckless violation of any provision of this Agreement, as well as unauthorized access to the information of another user.

5.2. The Webmaster of this Website is not responsible for:

5.2.1. For delays or barriers in the Website's work resulting from force majeure, as well as any problems with telecommunications, computer, electrical, and other related systems.

5.2.2. Delays in transmission systems, banks, payment systems and their operation.

5.2.3. The proper functioning of the Website if the User does not have the necessary technical means, the Webmaster is not obliged to provide such tools to the Users.


6.1. A Webmaster shall have the right to disclose any information collected about any User of this Website if such disclosure is necessary in connection with an investigation or complaint relating to the illegal use of the Website, or to create (identify) a User who may violate or interfere with the Webmaster's rights or the rights of other users of the Website.

6.2 The Webmaster has the right to disclose any information about the User that he / she deems necessary to comply with applicable legislation or court decisions to ensure compliance with the terms of this Agreement, organization name, user rights or security.

6.3 The webmaster has the right to disclose information about the User, if such disclosure is required or permitted by current legislation of the Republic of Estonia.

6.4 The Webmaster shall have the right to terminate and (or) block access to the Website if the User has violated this Agreement or the terms and conditions of use of the Website contained in other documents, or upon termination of the Website or a technical problem or problem without prior notification to the User.

6.5 The Webmaster shall not be liable to the User or third parties upon termination of access to the Website if the User violates the provisions of this Agreement or any other document containing the Terms of Use of the Website.


7.1. If there is a disagreement or dispute between the parties to this Agreement, the claim shall be subject to a pre-condition for recourse to a court (a written proposal for voluntary settlement of the dispute).

7.2. The claimant shall, within 30 calendar days of receiving it, inform the defendant in writing of the outcome of the review of the claim.

7.3. If it is not possible to settle the dispute voluntarily, either Party may apply to the courts for the protection of its rights under the legislation of the Republic of Estonia.

7.4. All claims relating to the Terms of Use of the Website must be submitted within 15 days after the reason for the claim, except for the copyright protection of the Website material protected by law. In the event of a breach of the terms of this clause, all claims or grounds for action shall be annulled upon expiry of the limitation period.


8.1. The webmaster will not accept any changes made by the User to this User Agreement.

8.2. User comments on the Website are not confidential and can be used without restriction by the Webmaster.

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